


Research #49

Alternative Money Systems

Added by leantom about 8 years ago.

In Progress


There are several systems in discussion:

Infomoney - Prof. Franz Hörmann (WU Wien, Rechnungswesen)

Money is created when value is provided and confirmed by the one receiving the value. The amount of money for a particular service or product is defined by community consensus.

Opinions Mr. Hörmann:

  • Work because you like it (Arbeiten aus der Freude heraus)
  • Goods now are prefered to goods in the future (Gegenwartsgüter vs. Zukunftsgüter)
  • We don't need markets and we don't need a state
  • Demand & Supply are only causing confined markets (Verknappungsmärkte)


  • How should we permanently vote about >10000 different prices

2014 Infomoney and OSBEEE joined forces and Mr. Hörmann and Björn Georg Strobel explained their future activities.übernationale-wirtschafts-und-finanzsystem/

Very little activity on the webpage by 2017 - last entry was for the general assembly of the cooperative in Feb. 2016.

Plan B der Wissensmanufaktur

Andreas Popp and Rico Albrecht have developed this very different system which bases on 4 pillars:

  1. Floating Money (devaluation if not used)
  2. Unconditional Base Income
  3. Social Landright (Land is owned by the state and rented to individuals)
  4. Freedom of press (making sure that small media does not fall short)

Austrian School of Economy

This is the typical ideology of Libertarian's where the state is the one to blame for monopolies and economic desasters. The continuous intervention of the state creates the problems we are having and more intervention makes it only worse.


The typical solution for regional money is a voutcher that can be shared between the members of a foundation. It is not open to the general public and typically looses in value when kept too long or changed back to Euro.

Free World Charter

Interesting formulation of 10 carter priciples. On the other side it tries to propose a world without money where everything is for free - somehow unrealistic to me.

Also available in: Atom PDF