Feature #7
Evaluate FollowMyVote
"StakeWeightedVoting":https://github.com/FollowMyVote/StakeWeightedVoting seems to be the central application here.
This github readme also links to a video instruction for dev environment setup.
#1 Updated by didi over 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
A quick look at the "architecture":https://github.com/FollowMyVote/StakeWeightedVoting/blob/master/Architecture.md isn't very instructive to me, there's just too much I don't yet know about how this all works.
Setting up the dev environment failed half way. After opening the project in QtCreator, I get stuck with error
/home/didi/src/stakeweightedvoting/VotingApp/VotingApp.qbs:15: warning: Property 'qmlImportPaths' is not declared.
Since the video already is a bit outdated (e.g. the github readme now specifies qt 5.7 dependency instead of 5.6, the repo doesn't use git submodules anymore as is the case in the video), it's not just about exactly following the instructions.
Here again, too many new things for me to quickly get through (e.g. I've never before worked with Qt).
Probably at this point it's better to take a step back and look at a simple blockchain application, in order to learn some basics.