Design #76
Feature #35: Write constitution
Discussion on Legal and Tax issues with eCounting
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Estimated time:
3.50 h
Talk with Nicole Weber.
- Nicole Weber: Clarification regarding selfemplyment and possible problems with social security payment. It is important that "Active Members" have not only the collective as customers and it is also sometimes an argument, that they should sometimes let someone else do the job. --> Selfemployment and several freelance contracts (one is lab10 collective) should be on "Active Members" minds. --> Partially they should subcontract some of their work they do for the lab10 collective
- Thomas Zeinzinger: Rethink the additional distribution of shares for "Active Members" - due to the nature of their value, they have to be seen as an income and are therefore taxed. Everyone has at least 1 share - a 100€. The number of shares determines the income split of the collective. In the first 2 years it is rather unlikely, that there will be a major profit. While shares would not be freely tradeable - shareholder must be members of the collective - a separate token could be. What if we do our own exchange for that? What could be usecases for a lab10 collective token?
- exchange for shares from the collective.
- pay subcontractors
- pay apprentices
- trade on exchanges
- pay the rent, coffee, ...
- lend it in the way Phi is described (fractional reserve?, Nachrangdarlehen, legal implications?) If one gets 2000€ and 2000 lab10 tokens and they are traded for 1€/token on our exchange and only with those you could buy yourself shares from the collective e.g. 10 (--> 1000€ value) what would have to be payed in taxes?
- Thomas Zeinzinger: Publicly funded projects are only taking the full cost into account. Consequently, these projects can not be treated similarly as customer projects or lab10 collective projects. --> Find creditors that help fund the liquidity --> Find investors that are interested in the team and the lab10 collective projects to finance the additional cost which are not funded.
#1 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#2 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
What could be usecases for a lab10 collective token?
- Access to some of the lab10 infrastructure?
- Support of specific causes / projects by purchasing tokens? E.g. I could imagine a project website with a support us button which lets visitors buy tokens. Not sure if that can be done with the lab10 token or if it would require a project specific token (basically built-in ICO?)
Regarding Scheinselbstständigkeit: At least in future that needs to be decided a priori: source. Not sure if/when that change of law is applied.