Feature #9
Visual Cryptography as a service
Background: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_cryptography
Website offering this user journey:
- Upload picture (browse or drag'n drop)
- Show the 2 encrypted components
- Download button for downloading them
The website should have a minimal, non-ugly interface and be mobile friendly.
Support for modern browsers only ok (but incompatible ones should get a warning msg).
The upload component should have a size limit and accept only compatible file types (initially png only).
To be checked before uploading to server. Reasonable err messages if something is not ok.
Server: enforce the limitations (don't give room for DOS or worse).
Upload functionality to be implemented in a simple and modern way (jquery?).
The computation can be done by "this Python script":https://github.com/LessonStudio/VisualCryptography.
Backend: simple PHP script invoking the python script.
The uploader should generate a filename which is unique (do on server in order to avoid tampering possibilities).
Delete all files after serving back to client.
Not sure if sync or async communication better. Options:
- Client uploads, then polls for resulting files
- Client upload blocks until generation of resulting files done, then downloads
The website should additionally show some basic information about what's being done here, link to Wikipedia for more details.
#1 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Project changed from 5 to lab10
- Private changed from No to Yes
#2 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Private changed from Yes to No