


Workspace 1

Problems definitions:

  1. Privacy & etics

    1. Tech aversion/cut off
    2. You are the product
    3. Not trust in the cloud
    4. Privacy fiasco
    5. Lack of trust to start conversation
  2. Find a topic

    1. Lack of start point
    2. Missed opportunities for conversation
    3. Information overflow, lack of relevance
    4. filter out "boring" people
    5. Find a meaningful conversation
  3. Find a person

    1. Human search engine
    2. How to find your matches in a big crowd
    3. Find interesting people in the mass
    4. dating interesting people
    5. find sexual partner without dating
    6. finding people with a problem/solution
  4. Building resilient offline community

    1. Team building on empathy first
    2. Draw awareness & grow community sustainable
  5. Filter bubbles

    1. Fragmentation of social platform
    2. ...
  6. Lack of spontaneity in real life

    1. Synchronicity awareness blind spot
    2. Loose too much time in front of the screen. Instead of being present right here right now
  7. Lack of trust

    1. "Power of first"
    2. Comfort zone
    3. Reputation needed?


  1. Social Entrepreneur Startups
  2. Community manager
  3. Marginal Groups
  4. Introverts
  5. Privacy-aware explorers
  6. HR
  7. Even organizer
  8. Salespeople / Agents
  9. People with no social platform accounts
  10. Shy people who still want to connect
  11. Attendee of conference
  12. People in "a waiting status"
  13. Foreign Lang Speakers

IMG_20170423_154419.jpg View (2.49 MB) mtfk, 25.04.2017 18:19

IMG_20170423_154341.jpg View (2.64 MB) mtfk, 25.04.2017 18:19