


Universal Basic Income


Basic Income UK -Nick Srnicek & Alex Williams - what future for basic income?
An increasing part of the population is struggling to get wage payed labor. They to informal work, work in the geek economy, they to part time work, they to 0-hours contracts. Consequently, a greater share of population is becoming surplus to capitalism, capitalism produces more and more of those people. Traditional benefit systems don't respond to that problem.

(at approx. 35 min. into the video) Romans hat very highly developed technology but they had slaves and therefore did not need to set it in place ... what if we have the same problem with wage labor being just the reason why we don't go for full automation?
autonomy and choice for people

Basic Income: How do we get there? Brian Eno, David Graeber and Frances Coppola

Basic income and other ways to fix capitalism | Federico Pistono | TEDxHaarlem

Nick Srnicek & Alex Williams - Book on UBI, Full Automation and No Work
Brian Eno - @dark_shark Worries about waste of potential
Frances Coppola - @Frances_Coppola - As a singer doing to much singing to pay the bills so that you don't love anymore what you do. People should be able to do what the love and are able to do best instead of being forced into jobs to earn enough money. Writes about automation and the effect on labor.
David Graeber - @davidgraeber - He is an Anarchist, people are confused why he would be for basic income, doesn't this put more power to the government. White colar are there to make blue color feel bad about what they do. We live in a society which is becoming increasingly beaurocratic. People think that value comes from paper work. Finance is the peak of it. The right wing has managed to grab the anti-bureucracy issue. What is the left wing position - fire all these people and give them the money. Wrote a piece about "Bullshit job" in 3-weeks it was translated into 17 different languages. 37% of people thought their job is not contributing any good to the world. Job creators - left or right - "the only way they can see people as valuable is that they to things they don't like, wheather there is any need for it."
Federico Pistono - @FedericoPistono - Book on Robots and Automation and expert in basic income. Refers to Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies - even says some wanna do a basic income with it.
Yanis Varoufakis - @yanisvaroufakis - Argues that instead of an UBI financed by taxes, we should aim for a Universal Basic Dividend (UBD), e.g. by enacting legislation requiring that a percentage of capital stock (shares) from every initial public offering (IPO) be channeled into a Commons Capital Depository. Seems to be related to the nearly 100 years old concept of Social Credit (by C.H. Douglas).