Design #65
Specify P4P Game
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Define / choose the game to be played in the first incarnation of this project.
Should be suited both for the browser and the Kunsthaus facade (consider resolution, switching times, colors).
The idea was inspired by receipt racer, we may or may not choose exactly that game.
Depending on required reaction times, the user may have the webcam feed of the Kunsthaus facade as primary visual interface (probably not realistic for receipt racer). If that's not feasible, the visual interface needs to implemented for the facade and the browser.
If possible, choose a game for which an open source implementation already exist (at least for the browser part).
There was also the suggestion to talk with Rarebytes.
Related issues
#1 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Assignee set to matthias
#2 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Blocks Feature #66: Implement the Kunsthaus facade visuals added
#3 Updated by didi almost 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)